Brúarskóli við Dalbraut

Our line of thought jumped from new species, to extinct ones. We got this idea to make a Timeline game for extinct species, similar to the one below. This game is still in process. Individual students might work on it with intervals. To give you a preview, see the attachment. If students of our partners would like to add an extinct animal this would be great!  Time line extinct animals 

The game is played with cards with only on one side the year an animal went extinct. When players start one card is open on the table. Each player gets 5-7 cards and puts these in front of him/her without seeing the date. The player guesses in what year the animal went extinct and puts the card in the guessed place on the timeline. The card is turned and checked if the guess was right. If so, the player has gained the advantage of losing one card. If the answer war wrong the player needs to draw a new card from the stack and the next player get his/her turn. Until any player has managed to get rid of all his cards.

Enjoy, Lilianne

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