Brúarskóli við Dalbraut

When the month started we just finished our Environmental Agreement, which is a prerequisite for attaining the Green Flag. With our students we agreed the following:

Environmental Agreement Brúarskóla við Dalbraut 

  • We are aware we only have one planet earth and that the behavior of each person matters.
  • We get acquainted with our direct environment and will enjoy the outdoors when ever possible.
  • We will collect waste separately, recycle and reuse whenever possible. 
  • We will collect organic waste to make compost.
  • We will not waste energy with open doors on cold days and turn lights off in classrooms which are not in use.,
  • We will plant trees and collect seeds to grow more plants.
  • We will use all paper well and print on both sides. 
  • We will minimize the use of single use items and plastic bags.
  • We will keep our school grounds clean by collecting litter in autumn and spring.
  • With integrated teaching our students are taught environmental issues.

 The above agreement was discussed thoroughly and our students collected images visualizing our statement. 


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