Endangered animals

At Brompton Primary we researched endangered animals. We learnt that animals are endangered for a number of reasons. Inspired by Suzie's recent trip to Poland, where she saw some lovely looking recycled birds created by students, we made versions of these animals using recycled items.

The Galapagos penguins are also endangered. Why? The main threats are over-fishing, reducing food stocks as well as human disturbance of nesting sites both from population pressure and tourism.

Koalas are endangered because their natural habitats, forests, are being destroyed by humans as they seek resources or living space and pollution of their environment by non-biodegradable materials. Koalas are also hunted for their fur.

What endangered animals will you make?


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  • The recycled birds look great Suzie!
  • Thanks guys! I can't wait to see what you make!
  • This is great work, it will be a challenge how many different recycled animals we can think of, thanks for sharing,

  • What lovely models of endangered creatures made with recyclable items Suzie and the Brompton children!!

    We have looked at endangered species here at St Mary's too and it has meant we have learned about many creatures we didn't even know belonged to the UK, like the highland wildcat and the sand lizard. We made ours out of mudroc and paper mache, but I think the children will enjoy the challenge of creating junk models.
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